Office 27 11 423-2545
Fax 27 11 423-2575
SAT Tel 27 11 423-3339


At F&M we have capable and loyal staff member to cater to our clients every need. Listed Below are staff members waiting to take care of your needs when it comes to Shipping or clearing products. They are the frontline in the business.

Administration Team


Mrs. S. Essop Rawat
General Manager

Mrs. S. Essop Rawat General Manager for F&M has a line of duties under her belt. Her main objective is to maintain all duties assigned to each and every staff member. She is essentially the front line keeping staff on par with business and making sure they are taking care of clients needs.  Mrs. S Essop Rawat was actively involved with the business when the Late Mr. Fakir Jeena was the main Shareholder. He had taught her every aspect of the business and discussed the premise of the business and how it should actually be operated. To this day Mrs. S Essop Rawat has performed her duties, and kept the personal service at an all time high with all the clients. She is always willing to hear from clients with either complaints or compliments or suggestions in how we can improve procedures so that the clients transactions can be done smoothly.


Mrs. Tahera Ismail
Customer Support/Administration

Mrs. Tahera Ismail joined the company at a later stage, as client count had increased in size. We had to take on an additional person to maintain client communications and have her maintain all related files and folders to clients. She has been a great addition to our workforce as she has proven time and time again on meeting all our requirements when discussing with clients and having all information regarding the clients on hand. She is also known to be in constant contact with clients making sure every transaction is going as planned and that they know when to expect their parcels. Follow up calls are made to clients as well as reminders to new shipments or orders to be made.


Mrs. Hawa Rawat

Customer Support/Administration

Mrs. Hawa Rawat a new acquired employee at F&M is a University of Witwatersrand graduate with a degree in BA, International Relations and Political Sciences. She brings with her an abundance of knowledge and professional services to the business. Mrs. Hawa Rawat will be on a part time basis learning every aspect of the business. We believe with her youth and enthusiasm to the industry she will bring a whole array of new ideas and recommendations to the business. While learning about the business clients will hear from her from time to time as she becomes accustomed with them.


Ms. Nicolette Lyons

Customer Support/Administration

Ms. Nicolette Lyons always referred to by her nickname Nicky, Joined us to acquire more skills in the bookkeeping environment working with international creditors. Nicky has a background in Business Management and has her B Com Honours. Nicky is there to help you with any issues that should arise with your shipments or clearing. Adding more support to the Administration side. From time to time Nicky will move between the administration departments and logistic departments keeping communication at an all time high between departments. Nicky worked prior in the banking industry and real estate. And has grown with the business.  

Logistics Team


Mr. Ahmed Limalia

Logistics Clearing/Customer Support/Sales

Mr. Ahmed Limalia came on board after a venture in the car sales industry. He has brought with him the drive and passion to succeed in life. And to show the potential he has to maintain his credibility with all our clients. He has acquired certifications for customs courses. Mr. Ahmed has the drive to help our clients with the research they need in acquiring products from  abroad. Looking in to every available option from time to costs of shipments. and making recommendations to benefit the customer. Mr. Ahmed has played a big role in our logistics department and we have seen significant advances in mainstream processing. From time to time he leaves the office and ventures out to our clients, so you are more then likely to actually meet with him while delivering products. We do this so that our clients get to meet the people they talk to and we get better acquainted..


Mr. Ismail Jeena

Logistics Clearing/Customer Support/Sales

Mr. Ismail Jeena brother of the late Mr. Fakir Jeena has joined forces with F&M after his return to South Africa From England. While in England Mr. Ismail had worked with logistics company's. He has brought with him new advances to making our services more efficient and comparable to the market. From time to time he is out making deliveries and keeping up with clients.



Mr. M Riaz Jeena and Mr. Razeen Jeena

Customer Support/Sales and Keeping the workforce motivated and meeting clients needs

Thank you for visiting our site and reading up on our business venture.  We hope you found everything you needed. If not we are always happy to take your call and meet your shipping or clearing needs. My name is Riaz Jeena and i have been with the business from inception. From our first baby steps growing into a major contender in the shipping and clearing industry. My late father and I worked closely together fine tuning the business so that we could make life easier for people who are trying to ship or clear products. Our goal is to give the best of service and make sure that everything went as planned.  We will always try and meet our clients needs, and if unable to we will give you alternatives to any request. Unless those requests cannot be met. However clients we take on, we will assist them from start to finish with their shipping or clearing experience. Backing me in this role is my Brother who is always willing to help a hand and make sure we are keeping up to all standards set when the business started.